The Power of Visuals

by | Feb 4, 2020 | Orion | 0 comments

No One Can Rely on Words Alone

Research shows us that more than 70 percent of all Internet views contain video. There have even been studies where using the word “Video” in the subject of an email can increase open rates by nearly 20 percent, click-through rates by nearly 70 percent and reduce un-subscriber rates by nearly 30 percent. Without question, videos and photos get the most re-tweets.

Here are some other relevant facts about video use:

-40 percent of people respond more favorably to visual content
-80 percent of what you see is retained
-20 percent of your words are read by the average reader
-40 percent of more content with visuals are shared with others


In 2016, Facebook’s video viewership doubled from 4 billion per day to 8 billion views per day. This is even higher today. This, too, highlights the immense potential of videos for bringing in customers, keeping viewers engaged and leading to new customers and interest.


Videos have a direct correlation with search results. Media with videos is favored by search engine algorithms. (The fact that Google owns YouTube is also a key factor). Google has been constantly adjusting its algorithms and search results that now feature videos among top results.

Who wants to read

There is so much content, people are overloaded with information. Videos are a break from the tedium. It is easier for us to understand and follow visual content amidst a plethora of text. Thus, creating an impactful message through
videos …


Are you more likely to share words or visual content? As they say, a picture tells a thousand words and we’d rather share images and video than other forms of content . That’s why it makes sense for businesses and professionals to showcase a vision, expertise, product, service, news and announcements in video.

It’s Why we watch TV over reading a newspaper

Educating, entertaining, inspiring or increasing brand awareness all are easier through videos. Most of us delve through product reviews and commentary before making a purchase decision. Would you rather read something or watch a video when making a purchase? When you see it in video, you immediately consider a product or a service to better.

Videos drive business and convey what you want to say and how it is received. That’s why I’m always stunned when I go to any business site and find it devoid of video content.

I invite you to See what we do and how we did it to help your business grow.

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